

April 30, 2018


The Butterfly Circus


I have learned to pay attention when a series of similar events occur within the same day; they usually point me in a direction or reveal a fateful truth. So when I received three emails on Thursday morning all with similar content, I tuned in. One was from a young woman dealing with anxiety, guilt, shame, and the subsequent self-loathing; one was from a mother who was struggling with confusion and a feeling of helplessness as her child fought against mental illness; and one was from a middle-aged woman who was struggling with self-doubt, insecurity, and harsh judgment of her worthfrom herself and others. In the midst of these emails, I also received an email from my youngest sister that contained a link to a short film, The Butterfly Circus, that had been recommended to her by a friend. The message of the film was exactly what the other women needed to hear.


The film features a man named Mendez who runs a circus troupe called “The Butterfly Circus”, which includes a strongman, a trapeze artist, a contortionist, and a stilt walker, among others. Set in the Depression, the video opens with the troupe seeing a sign for a carnival and deciding to go for the rides. While there, the group enters a sideshow, where in a series of booths sits a variety of “attractions”: conjoined twins, a bearded lady, a 400-pound woman, a tattooed man, and finallybehind a curtain so he can be introduced as “a man upon whom even God has turned his back”a limbless man. All of these people sit silently, gaze averted, obviously ashamed and tired of being gawked at as objects of derision, and no one receives more derision than the limbless man. Not only do people gawk and gasp, but they start to laugh as well, and then a boy decides to throw a rotten tomato. The look of dread is obvious on the limbless man’s face as he realizes how vulnerable he is to this attack, and the boy launches the tomato, hitting the man in the chest. The boy’s companion takes a tomato out of his pocket, too, but before he can throw it, Mendez steps in and grabs his hand, telling the boys to leave. Once alone with the man, Mendez draws close and gets down on his knee so he can whisper to the man: “Youaremagnificent.” After a moment of silence, the man spits in his face.


Later in the video, the limbless man (whose name we learn is Will) has somehow left the sideshow and ended up in the back of Mendez pickup, hidden among the luggage. Throughout the next scenes, as the man travels with the Butterfly Circus, he learns of the others troupe members pasts. Alcoholics, prostitutes, beggars, unwed mothersall of them had pasts that could have caused them to hide in shame, fearing their vulnerability. However, they have developed amazing talents, and a close-knit community, based on their strengths. When Will refuses to see himself as part of the group, Mendez says, Oh yes, you are the man upon whom even God has turned His back. When Will angrily asks how Mendez, whom he now sees as his friend, could say such a thing, Mendez replies, Because you believe it.


Without ruining the end of the film (I really hope you take the 22 minutes to watch it!), I will summarize to say that Will comes to believe in his goodness and gifts, and that the greatest of his gifts turns out to be courage.


There are several powerful messages within this film, and Id like to highlight two of them. First, the film highlights the prevalence of mockery as people choose to put the imperfections of others on display and treat differences as laughable. I refuse to watch the current television shows or YouTube channels that intentionally encourage mockery of those who are trying to share what they think is a gift they have. The number of hits and likes those videos get is disturbing to me, and if I could reach out and grab the hands of those about to click on them, I would. One of the major tragedies of this age of viral videos and public shaming is that many young people have internalized these mocking voices; they hear the mockers in their head, imagining how others must see them. These young people end up emotionally exhausted as they try to shield themselves from the humiliation they feel they deserve.


And this leads to the second message I want to highlight: it matters where you stand, and if you stand with those who are marginalized, mocked, and outcast, you risk getting hurt. Even if you are not personally threatened with humiliation or violence, you risk sharing the inner pain of those with whom you stand. Empathy can be painful, and standing for the human dignity of every person can be exhausting. But as The Butterfly Circus shows, there is nothing more powerful than love and kindness. Nothing else has the power to topple injustice, stop inhumanity, or heal insecurities.


I have strong opinions on a lot of social, moral, and educational issues, but I have come to understand that it is far less important that I take the right stance than it is that I stand in the right placeand that is alongside the marginalized and mocked. If we stand with the outsiders, we widen the circle of our compassion and start to put an end to injustice. Our very presence at the side of the outcast will help protect the most vulnerable from being victimized and assure them that they are not alone, and that they are worthy of dignity. We might share their pain, but we will certainly share our love.


After watching the video, I was moved to write the same three-part message to the three women who had sent me emails, a message that I want to share with each of you. First, each one of us has gifts, maybe beyond our knowing. Second, through sharing our gifts, we celebrate our strengths. And third, each one of us can strive to make sure that no one is outside the circle of our compassion, including ourselves. It is my hope that through our awareness of these three things, we all might recognize the innate gifts possessed by each of us, and through that recognition, work toward compassion.



First in Vermont in
New England Math League


Academy math students earned the highest cumulative score in the state  for the 2017/18 school year in the New England Mathematics League competition.




Vermont State Scholastic Chess Champions


The SJA Chess team won the 2018 Vermont State Scholastic Chess Championships.




2017-2018 Important Dates

Friday, May 4


Senior Capstone Day

Sophomore Stewardship Day

Freshman Challenge Day




Monday, May 7-Friday, May 18


AP Exams


Monday, May 14-Tuesday, May 15


8:00 a.m.

Vermont Science Assessment for Vermont Grade 11 only

Chapel begins at 9:20 a.m.




Thursday, May 17 and Friday, May 18 at 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, May 19 at 2:00 p.m.


Fuller Hall

St. Johnsbury Academy Theatre presents Arcadia



Friday, May 18


Spring Day


Monday, May 28

Memorial Day - No School


Wednesday, May 30


1:00 p.m.

Last Chapel



Commencement Week Schedule

Follow the Hilltoppers Live on NSN Sports.
Missed a game? Check out the Past Games.


Freshmen prepared for their Capstone presentations at the Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium.



Four junior girls will attend Girls' State: Emily Steen, Grace Phelps, Alexis Collins, and Emma Mauceli.

四位十一年级女生将会参加女子州际比赛:Emily Steen, Grace Phelps, Alexis Collins和Emma Mauceli。


Four junior boys will attend Boys' State: Carter Brochu, Joe Brody, Dillon Ryan, and Jack Fannon, who is currently serving as a Senate page in Washington, D.C.

四位十一年级男生将会参加男子州际比赛:Carter Brochu, Joe Brody, Dillon Ryan和Jack Fannon,Jack Fannon目前是华盛顿特区的参议员助理。


The SJA Theatre tech crew constructed a "marble" floor for the upcoming production of Arcadia. The show will take place on Thursday, May 17 and Friday, May 18 at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, May 19 at 2:00 p.m. in Fuller Hall.



In sports, boys' lacrosse photos are here.



Boys' Ultimate photos are here.



And photos of the freshman track meet are here.



1000 Main Street

St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819
(802) 748-8171


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