

May 7, 2018


Hurting Heads and Hopeful Hearts: Celebrating Capstone Day


Who knew? Geospatial analysis can help stem the spread of HIV/AIDS in Ghana, and enhanced weathering of olivine can slow the decline of the crustacean population due to ocean acidity. And who knew that discrete element methodology could help design better wheels and grousers for the Mars rovers or that using lexical functional grammar and metonymy, emojis could become a universal pictographic language? These were just some of the things I learned from seniors John Gaston, Ethan Bushey, Annie Cunningham, and Lily Sullivan, respectively, on Capstone Day. Needless to say, by the end of the day, my head hurt.

有谁知道,地理空间分析有助于阻止HIV/AIDS在加纳的传播,橄榄石的增强风化可以减缓由于海洋酸度而造成的甲壳动物种群的下降。又有谁知道,离散元素方法有助于为火星探测器设计更好的轮子和集群,或者使用词汇功能语法和转喻,表情符号可以成为一种通用的象形文字?这些仅仅是我从John GastonEthan BusheyAnnie CunninghamLily Sullivan在尖石顶级课程日学到的一些东西。当然,那天快要结束时,我的脑壳都要“爆炸”了。

Capstone was first established as a response to the standards movement in the 1990’s. We tried to leverage the benefits of defining what students should know, be able to do, and be like as adults while we simultaneously safeguarded our unique standards as an independent mission-based school. Since its inception as part of the English curriculum, Senior Capstone has asked students to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and character in a public presentation. On Friday, the latest iteration of Capstones showed that the program, now its own department, continues to improve under the leadership of Hank Eaton, Charles Hosmer Morse Chair in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

尖石顶级课程日最初在20世纪90年代创立是为了响应标准化运动,我们试图在秉承独立学校办学理念维护独特标准的同时,教会学生应该知道、能做以及像成年人一样做的事。自英语课程开课以来,一直都要求学生在公开演讲中展示自己的知识、技能和品格。周五,尖石顶尖课程日在创新和企业家Charles Hosmer Morse Chair主席Hank Eaton的带领下,继续发扬光大。

Besides the projects mentioned above, I also heard presentations on a variety of other topics, ranging from culturally and currently significant issues to personal passions. Some were focused on healthcare, specifically bacterial infection: Hannah Guss advocated for wider adoption of antimicrobial stewardship programs to diminish the threat of antibiotic resistance in healthcare settings, and Calvin Tianshang Zhang showed that while warm air hand dryers might be more environmentally friendly and cost-effective, they could be spreading bacteria more than paper towels would. Others were focused on improving the effectiveness of law enforcement programs regarding mental health: Quinn Nelson Mayo proved that using Crisis Intervention Teams and Mental Health Courts results in greater well-being and significant cost savings when dealing with mentally ill people who commit crimes in New Hampshire, and Cara Benjamin explored the effectiveness of the distribution of naloxone and education about the Good Samaritan Law as ways to curb the opiate crisis in Vermont. Still others had a political bent: Noah Glenshaw investigated the gender bias in political cable news coverage, and Hannah Pandya advocated for more civil dialogue on gun violence.

除上述项目外,我还听取了其他各种主题的展示介绍,从文化主体和当前社会问题到个人爱好,应有尽有。有些学生把重点放在医疗保健上,特别是细菌感染:Hannah Guss主张更广泛地采用抗菌管理计划,以减弱医疗保健环境中抗生素耐药性的威胁,而Calvin Tianshang Zhang则向大家展示了虽然暖气烘干机的环保性能和经济效益或许比较高,但是它比纸巾更容易传播细菌。其他学生则致力于提高有关心理健康的执法项目的有效性:Quinn Nelson Mayo证明,在为新罕布什而犯罪的精神病患者治疗时,使用危机干预小组和心理健康法庭会为其带来更大的幸福感,并且可以大幅度节约成本;Cara Benjamin探讨了纳洛酮分布的有效性以及Good Samaritan法律对遏制佛蒙特州鸦片危机的研究。还有一些学生的主题有关政治倾向:Noah Glenshaw调查了政治有线新闻报道中的性别偏见,Hannah Pandya主张在枪支暴力问题上进行更多的民事对话。

Regardless of the topic, whether it was Ben Hammer presenting his notational analysis of goal scoring patterns in the English Premier League, or Emma Forster advocating for more education about “authoritative parenting styles” and the impact that parents can have on their child’s self-esteem, these students showed impressive adeptness with statistical analysis and advanced research skills. While the presentations were sometimes over the heads of audience members, the expertise demonstrated by these students was undeniable and unimaginable in my teen-aged self.

不管是哪种主题,也无论是Ben Hammer在英超联赛中对进球模式的诠释分析,还是Emma Forster主张对“权威性父母教养方式”进行更多的教育,以及父母对孩子自尊心的影响,这些学生在统计分析和高级研究技能方面表现出惊人的娴熟度。尽管演讲有时是在观众面前进行的,但这些学生所展示的专业知识是不可否认的,至少在我十几岁时是难以想象的。

Though I only got to witness these 12 performances in Fuller Hall, I heard other anecdotes from other venues throughout the day. Students presented with confidence and poise—some speaking energetically without notes or podium to a hundred people, fluently explaining their research and data—and they handled even thorny questions with grace and good humor. Outside of the presentations, I heard of the good work sophomores and freshmen did in performing acts of stewardship and community service throughout the day, and I heard both students and faculty speak of the community bonds that formed as a result.


I walked away from Capstone Day with renewed pride in our young people. Sure, my brain had exploded, and my head hurt, but as one of the dozens of guest evaluators said on her way out, “I always come away from these days with so much hope for the future.” Capstone Day provided us with lots of reasons to hope in the intelligence, resilience, and goodness of our young people. More than any headaches we might encounter as parents, teachers, and supporters of youth, this hope is at the heart of our relationship with them.



Valedictorian, Co-Salutatorians Announced


The Academy has announced the valedictorian and co-salutatorians for the Class of 2018.




2017-2018 Important Dates

Monday, May 7-Friday, May 18


AP Exams


Monday, May 14-Tuesday, May 15


8:00 a.m.

Vermont Science Assessment for Vermont Grade 11 only

Chapel begins at 9:20 a.m.




Thursday, May 17 and Friday, May 18 at 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, May 19 at 2:00 p.m.


Fuller Hall

St. Johnsbury Academy Theatre presents Arcadia



Friday, May 18


Spring Day


Monday, May 28

Memorial Day - No School


Wednesday, May 30


1:00 p.m.

Last Chapel



Commencement Week Schedule

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Missed a game? Check out the Past Games.


Freshmen presented their Capstone projects on Tuesday.



More photos of their presentations are here.



Congratulations to the following students on their success on the 2018 National Latin Exam. Freshman Gavin Ghafoori and junior Rebecca Robertson both earned silver medals on the Latin I exam, sophomore Zoe Montague also earned a silver medal on the Latin II exam, and freshman Constance Hammer earned a certificate of Magna Cum Laude on the Latin III Poetry exam.

祝贺以下几位同学获得2018年全国拉丁语考试奖项。九年级学生Gavin Ghafoori和十一年级学生Rebecca Robertson都获得了拉丁语1银奖,十年级学生Zoe Montague获得了拉丁语2银奖,九年级学生Constance Hammer获得拉丁语3诗歌考试Magna Cum Laude证书。


Congratulations to Spanish students who earned certificates on the National Spanish Exam. Pictured left to right are sophomore Lucas Mori, junior Sajan Harvery, sophomore Lydia Bushey, sophomore Averill Wagner, sophomore Grace Larocque, sophomore Sophia Hendrick, senior Kazuma Kato, sophomore Katherine Ota, sophomore Delaney Payeur, junior Zhiying Guan, sophomore Nora Heffernan, sophomore Allison Maher, sophomore James Wood, junior Lance Abella, sophomore Asom Hayman-Jones, junior Sofya Gozhina, sophomore Marc Lamontagne and junior Lilian Scott.

祝贺西班牙语班级学生获得全国西班牙语考试证书。照片中从左至右依次是:十年级学生Lucas Mori、十一年级学生Sajan Harvery、十年级学生Lydia Bushey、十年级学生Averill Wagner、十年级学生Grace Larocque、十年级学生Sophia Hendrick、十二年级学生Kazuma Kato、十年级学生Katherine Ota、十年级学生Delaney Payeur、十一年级学生Zhiying Guan、十年级学生Nora Heffernan、十年级学生Allison Maher、十年级学生James Wood、十一年级学生Lance Abella、十年级学生Asom Hayman-Jones、十一年级学生Sofya Gozhina、十年级学生Marc Lamontagne和十一年级学生Lilian Scott。


Seniors did the traditional "Capstone" cheer before beginning their presentations.



Andra Shield-Taylor presented "Money and the Mickey Mouse Company: an Analysis of Social Class Stereotypes in Disney Animated Films".

Andra Shield-Taylor展示了“金钱和米老师公司:“迪士尼动画电影社会阶层原型分析”。


Ben Hammer presented "A Notational Analysis of Goal Scoring Patterns in the English Premier League". Many more photos of Senior Capstone Day are here.

Ben Hammer的演讲主题是“英超进球模式符号分析”。更多十二年级尖石顶级课程日照片在这里。


Sophomores took part in Sophomore Stewardship Day, during which they worked on stewardship activities around the area, including building a bridge in Willoughby State Forest.



Freshmen participated in Freshmen Challenge Day, taking part in games and beautifying St. Johnsbury. Photos of Freshman Challenge and Sophomore Stewardship Day are here.



In sports, JV boys' lacrosse photos are here.



JV boys' Ultimate photos are here.



And varsity girls' Ultimate photos are here.



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