


November 6, 2017


Learning How to Stand Up


Painted above the Fuller Hall stage is a motto that the legendary Academy Latin teacher Graham Newell always pointed to as the secret to our school's success: Semper Discens (Always Learning). While visiting The MacDuffie School in Granby, MA, this week, I thought about our motto a lot. MacDuffie is a for-profit school, and I was chair of the Visiting Committee tasked with evaluating whether the school has met the standards of accreditation as set out by the Commission of Independent Schools of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). If MacDuffie passed all standards, it would be the first school of its kind to be accredited by NEASC.

Fuller大厅的舞台上是我们的校训,它就是拉丁语老师Graham Newell经常提到的我们学院成功的秘诀:Semper Discens(不断学习)。这周我在麻州Granby地区拜访马克杜菲高中时,关于我们的校训我想到了很多。马克杜菲是一所盈利性学校,我是参观拜访团的负责人,主要负责评估学校是否有达到新英格兰院校协会独立学校委员会(NEASC)的认证标准。如果马克杜菲学校通过了所有的标准,那么它将成为或NEASC认证的第一所盈利性质的学校。

I always pick up new ideas when I visit another school, and I learned a lot more at MacDuffie than just the working of the for-profit model. While I was there, I discovered a video that I showed in Chapel on the day I got back. The video, part of Burger King's campaign against bullying, shows the different reactions of customers as they witness the bullying of a teenager. The video highlights the nature of the Bystander Effect — when, even though you can see and probably solve a problem, you just stand by and watch, believing someone else will solve it. Burger King decided that they would highlight this problem by contrasting the reactions to the bullying of a high school junior versus the reactions to the bullying of a Whopper Jr. The bullying of the Whopper Jr., which involved smashing it with one's fist (even though it was harmless and defenseless just because it was fun to do so), was reported by 95% of the customers who witnessed it. The bullying of the high school junior, played out by actors, was only reported or stopped by 12% of the customers.

我总是会在拜访其他学校的时候萌生新的想法,我从马克杜菲学校学到了很多而不仅仅是它盈利性的运营模式。我在那里的时候看到了一段视频,我回来那天就在礼堂内播放给大家看了。这段视频描述的是在汉堡王店里发生欺凌行为的片段,视频显示了顾客目睹青少年被欺负时的不同反应,强调了旁观者效应的本质--尽管你目睹了这种现象或者你有能力帮助他,你也只是袖手旁观,因为你相信其他人一定会站出来帮他的。汉堡王决定通过对比欺负中学生和对顾客下单的汉堡搞破坏时顾客的反应,来突出这一现象。在这次测试中,拿到被“揍扁”的汉堡的顾客,95%的顾客都会向店里反映情况。与此形成鲜明对比的是,对于在店里同时发生的学生霸凌现象,只有 12% 的顾客站出来维护受欺负的中学生。

This video, in many ways, did not teach me anything new. I knew bullying is harmful, that the bystander effect helps perpetuate it, and that the right thing to do is to stand up for the victims and against the bullies. There were, however, some ideas in the video that caused me to consider these issues differently. As I watched it, I found myself thinking about people who, though not necessarily physically beat up by bullies, are beat up by people in other less visible ways or by other hurtful things in their lives. The video helped me realize that the bystander effect played into these situations, too, and that it is part of the problem regarding teen mental health, including depression and suicide.


The video also got me thinking about why we stand by and what we should do instead. Almost all of the customers who received a smashed burger or watched their food being smashed protested; they had paid for it, it was their possession, and they looked forward to enjoying it. They were personally invested in it. We do the same thing when we protect our friends and loved ones, those in whom we have invested time, energy, and affection. Likewise, when we have invested our identity or our moral energy into a set of beliefs and values, we are more likely to stand up for them—even risking punishment, pain, or death for them. The bystander effect as portrayed in this video made me think about how often I have stood by when I knew someone not connected to me, in whom I had made no personal investment and from whom I expected no pleasure or benefit, was being harmed by another.


In thinking about this bullying video, I was also brought back to my pre-teen and teenage years, when I was bullied or at least afraid I might be bullied. I remembered some specific times when I saw someone being bullied and walked by or heard about a bullying incident and didn't speak up. In the video, one customer stood up and walked over to the tables where the high school junior was being bullied; she asked if he was OK, asked the other boys their names, and then sat down across the table from the victim to share her stories of being "messed with". That scene reminded me of the times I have acted the way I should have: not just standing up and intervening, but standing next to and being vulnerable with the victim.


The video ended with one of the "upstanding" customers talking about how he sees his role, and it summarized much of what I learned from my reflecting and my remembering: "To feel defenseless, that's like one of the worst things in the world... I've been that kid, so if I see it, I'm going to do something about it. And I hope there's a lot more people out there like that."


Me too. How about you?



Tyler McGill, MS, DVM to Speak at Faculty Speaker Series

教职工演讲--Tyler McGill

SJA's Faculty Speaker Series welcomes Tyler McGill '04 on November 6 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayo Center. Tyler is a large animal veterinarian who works at Wood Pond Veterinary Service in North Haverhill, New Hampshire.

11月6日下午7点在Mayo中心,SJA教职工演讲迎来Tyler McGill做演讲。Tyler是新罕布什尔州北黑福里尔一家大型兽医服务中心的兽医。



SJA Theatre to Present The Addams Family - A New Musical Comedy


Award-winning St. Johnsbury Academy Theatre will perform The Addams Family – A New Musical Comedy at Fuller Hall on Thursday and Friday, November 9 and 10 at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, November 11 at 2:00 p.m.



Advertising Executive to Speak at Faculty Speaker Series

The St. Johnsbury Academy Faculty Speaker Series welcomes Matt Snyder Executive Vice President of Sales for Vivoom, a technology company servicing the music, television and advertising industries, based in Boston, MA. The talk will take place on Monday, November 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayo Center.

圣约翰学院教职工演讲邀请Vivoom公司广告部副主管Matt Snyder于11月13日下午七点在Mayo中心做演讲。Vivoom是一家设立于麻州波士顿供应音乐、电视和广告产品的技术公司。



SJA to Hold Community Forum


St. Johnsbury Academy will hold a Community Forum on Wednesday, November 15 at 7:00 p.m. at the Stuart Black Box Theater in the Charles Hosmer Morse Center for the Arts.




2017-2018 Important Dates

Monday, November 6, 2017, 7:00 p.m.


Library Fireside in the Mayo Center

Faculty Speaker Series Presents

Tyler McGill '04, MS, DVM


教职工演讲--Tyler McGill

Monday, November 13, 7:00 p.m.


Library Fireside in the Mayo Center

Faculty Speaker Series Presents

Matt Snyder


教职工演讲--Matt Snyder

Saturday, November 18 to

Sunday, November 26


Thanksgiving Break


Friday, December 1


Senior Capstone Day


Follow the Hilltoppers Live on NSN Sports.
Missed a game? Check out the Past Games.


Members of the cross country team take a break from training over the weekend as they prepare to compete Saturday at the New England Championships in Belfast, Maine.



The entrance to the Charles Hosmer Morse Center for the Arts invited Open House attendees to explore the many arts programs offered at SJA. Students and parents had the opportunity to discover our excellent arts, traditional academics, and technical programs, as well as the wide variety of extracurricular activities.



The Hilltopper Restaurant is getting its American Bistro menu ready. View the new menu starting Tuesday, November 6th here.

Hilltopper餐厅正在准备American Bistro菜单,周二就可以看到新的菜单了。


The Hilltopper Cheerleaders fire up the school spirit during Pep Chapel this past Friday.



Pablo Gonzalez Rotger drives a shot into the upper corner of the goal against South Burlington on Saturday in the Division I State Title game in Burlington. The Hilltoppers fell to South Burlington in the game, 3-1, but finished with the best record in school history at 15-2-1. The game also marked the school's first time playing in the title game. Photos from the game can be viewed here.

Pablo Gonzalez Rotger在周六与南柏林顿队的州冠军赛上将球踢到了球门上角处。Hilltoppers在比赛中以3-1的比分输给了南柏林顿队,但是这是学校的最好成绩。这场比赛也标志着学院第一次参加冠军赛。


Jasper Rankin hauls in his first of four touchdown catches on the day from QB Jake Cady. The Hilltoppers scored 30 unanswered points in the second half to advance to Saturday's Division I State Title game at Rutland High School. Photos from Saturday's semi-final game can be seen here.

Jasper Rankin在那天的QB Jake Cady比赛中首先获得四个触地得分。Hilltoppers在周六比赛下半场中比Rutland高中多得30分。


Students in the CTE program were recognized for their achievements for the first quarter.

Career and Technical EducationCTE职能技术教育)项目的学生第一季度的成果获得学院认可。


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